OS/2 VOICE foundation in 2018
- **Details**
- **Written by Roderick Klein**
- **Category: VOICE**
Dear ArcaOS, eCS and OS/2 users,
Here is a list of upcoming projects for 2018 that VOICE is working on or will be working on to help with promoting OS/2 and make your usage easier. You have not heard much from OS/2 VOICE since I have been moving to new apartment because I have a new job. Also a family members has been in hospital very sick but she has recovered. Anyway here is the list:
*A Teamviewer kind of solution for OS/2*
We are working on a project to provide a free of charge remote control program for people who need remote support for OS/2. It will consist of a Warpin package you can download. Via a secured encrypted SSH tunnel a volunteer from the community will be able to login into your system and with VNC access your desktop when you start the Warpin package. It will not need any setup on your side. So this is somewhat of a Teamviewer solution for OS/2. The person providing support will need to setup the server side. But this will be documented. We hope this can make it easier to help community members if they are somehow stuck!
* Warpstock Europe 2018 in Berlin
On the 26th and 27th of May OS/2 VOICE will host Warpstock Europe 2018 in Berlin Germany. While some of the donators do not come to Warpstock Europe. As I previously explained Warpstock is a benefit for all OS/2 users as OS/2 developers meet at the event and discuss issue's and future plans. So in the end the whole community benefits from this event! You will also be able to follow the conference via a free videostream. Keep an eye on www.warpstock.eu for more details.
* Installing LAN server support on ArcaOS.
* VOICE will publishing a free tool that will enable you to install your WSeB or ACP1/2 onto LAN server components an OS/2 MCP or ArcaOS. This will enable you to turn your ArcaOS installation into an OS/2 domain controller.
* New browser funding campaign.
* So far the campaign to collect funding for a new OS/2 web browser has in total generated 7400 US Dollar. About 2000 Dollars of additional funding is on its way, but this amount is not certain yet. On behalf of BWW and the OS/2 VOICE board we like to thank the OS/2 community their donations. That said the 10.000 Dollars was a target to get started. So please keep the donations coming in: See the browser funding campaign for more information. As I always say free software does not grow on tree's, somebody needs to port the software.
* Free RPM software library for OS/2 applications
Some people still have seconds thoughts about RPM being used on OS/2. In my opinion the useability of RPM has increased with Arca Noae Package Manager. With the release of ANPM 1.02 more user issue's have been resolved. Also it has been painfully obvious many OS/2 users do not know what software can be downloaded for OS/2 and if they do find it for a lot of end users its simply to complicated to install some the software.
VOICE has the domain name rpm.os2voice.org ready to go. The idea is that software developers and the community help package software in RPM format so people can for example install a current Multimedia player on OS/2 by a few mouse clicks in ANPM. The RPM repository will be accessible by the OS/2 community free of charge of course.
VOICE is looking for people who want to help package old and new OS/2 software in RPM format.
If you are not familiar how to build an RPM package this is a good place to start, Andy Willis his presentation on how to make an RPM package: http://www.warpstock.org/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=263 (This is an Open Office presentation)
Or the video recorded at Warpstock 2017 in Toronto of this presentation.
Once this RPM library is being filled up with programs we also would like to work together with https://www.ecsoft2.org/. We have been in touch before with the people behind ecsoft2.org but things got put on hold because we had no RPM files. The idea is that we would like to see if Arca Noae can update ANPM so it can show a description of the program you are going to install and a screenshot (information loaded for ecsoft2.org)! It would be a complete software catalog for OS/2 users.
If you would like to help create RPM packages please send an email to president at os2voice.org.
* Financial transparency:
It should be noted that your donations are more then welcome and VOICE will published it yearly financial report for 2017 shortly. Also a cash audit commission will check the bank receipts. Both reports will be posted here: http://www.os2voice.org/reports.html
Before any money is the VOICE board that consists of 7 members votes on any propels.
We hope in these ways we provide the best transparency possible how your donations are spend. We can give you access to an upload directory. Note we will test the package before its uploaded for generic usage. We do not want to break people there systems...
You can make a donation via the Arca Noae webshop.
Best regards,
Roderick Klein
President OS/2 Foundation
Update on the VOICE browser funding campaign
- **Details**
- **Written by Roderick Klein**
- **Category: VOICE**
So far we have collected 6.700 Dollars, which includes a one person 5000 Dollars donation. So far I have not revealed his name.
I will ask the people who donated, if they want to be publicly credited for this on a website or not.
First question that was asked: Which browser would be ported ?
* Gecko (Firefox browser and derivatives)
* Google Chromium (via Qt's QtWebEngine) or Apple WebKit (via Qt's QtWebKit, now deprecated in favor of QtWebEngine)
During Warpstock Toronto 2017 Herwig Bauernfeind from bww bitwise works GmbH (who joined via Skype) answered questions after his presentation. We had multiple browsers that where mentioned at Warpstock 2017 Toronto and asked whether they would be an alternative future browser. In some recent OS/2 forum discussion more browser alternatives where suggested. Most of the mainstream open source browsers that could be feasible use one of the two engines I just mentioned above. It bears some logic that these mainstream libraries used as browsers are extremely complex and continue to become more complex. So getting one of these libraries is more important than selecting a specific browser.
Second question: Are 10.000 dollars enough and what happens when the money is spent?
Third question: Some people have suggested the Chromium browser can not be ported to OS/2.
I can understand that some of the people have been doubting sponsor campaign, but as it stands right now Firefox 45.9 ESR is being worked to iron out the last bugs. These are mostly new and hard to find bugs in the JavaScript engine, which slipped in.
I hope that answers the questions/concerns. Please note that information in both postings have been reviewed by Dmitriy Kuminov from bww bitwise works GmbH for any incorrect technical information.
I hope this addresses some of the concerns for the OS/2 community as to where this funding campaign is going. As it now stands we will be going in the direction of Qt based browser. This will also result in lower amount of maintenance.
You can buy sponsor units in the Arca Noae webshop:
All the collected money is send by Arca Noae to the OS/2 VOICE foundation.
Sponsorship needed for new OS/2 web browser
- **Details**
- **Written by Roderick Klein**
- **Category: Software**
Dear OS/2/eComStation/ArcaOS user,
The OS/2 VOICE foundation is sending this email to the OS/2 community because we need your assistance to collect funding for a new web browser on OS/2/eComStation/ArcaOS.
The company Bitwise Works from Austria has been doing a lot of work to maintain Firefox for OS/2 over the last couple of years. As Herwig Bauernfeind from Bitwise Works made clear in his presentation he gave at Warpstock 2018 Toronto, Firefox for OS/2 is on its way out for OS/2 after version 52 ESR. The primary reason is because Firefox is switching to RUST. Rust is a general purpose programming language sponsored by Mozilla Research. It is unlikely that RUST will ever be ported to OS/2.
But there is another reason why Firefox needs to be replaced, its getting bigger and more complex with each release, to big to maintain basically. Developers that use Firefox on other operating systems have also been complaining about the fact that Mozilla applications have turned into a merry go round with libraries (DLL's). One library gets used in version X and a few versions later another is added or removed.
As it now stands Firefox 52 will be the last browser that is known that we can port to OS/2. Do not worry however Firefox 45 is being finished and 52 when released will give us browser support for 1 1/2 to 2 years to come. But we need to work on a strategy now.
While a Firefox browser based on RUST is no longer an option, what options have we got ?
We currently have 2 options:
1) A browser based on Qt 5.5/5.9, one *possible* candidate is the Otter browser.
But having Q.T. will also make it easier to port the Chromium web browser to OS/2.
2) The second option is to port the Pale Moon browser to OS/2. Pale Moon is a browser based on an older version of
Firefox. https://www.palemoon.org/
When it comes to the previously mentioned Q.T.this is a cross-platform application framework that is used for developing application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase, while still being a native application with native capabilities and speed.
Currently OS/2 has support for QT version 4.78, but we need Q.T. version 5.5/5.9 to be current enough to port a browser to our OS/2. http://trac.netlabs.org/qt4
Our goal is to provide 10,000 USD (about 8.500 Euro) to Bitwise to update Qt to version 5.5/5.9. If its decided Bitwise Works choices to port Pale Moon your donations will be used for this project. We feel confident that Bitwise Works has outstanding know how to decide which route will provide the OS/2 users a new web browser for the coming years.
VOICE has supported many open-source projects in the past, and any funds in excess of that needed to port Qt or Palemoon, will be donated to other open-source projects to benefit OS/2 users.
You can donate at the following link.
100% of your donation will go to Bitwise Works.
If you have any questions about this sponsorship, please send an email to **This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.**
On this page you can follow how much money has donated:
As of the 11th of October we have 0 US Dollar.
OS/2 voice an update from the chairman
- **Details**
- **Written by Roderick Klein**
- **Category: VOICE**
Dear OS/2 community members and VOICE supporters,
On the 6th of August 2014 me (Roderick Klein) and Gerrit Schoenmaker went to a Dutch public notary to start the OS/2 VOICE International foundation, after the VOICE members approved this transition. Since then, VOICE has been active but we have not had much time to communicate to our donators what has been done with the money!
But first, as to why. There were two reasons to convert VOICE from a Canadian organization to a Dutch foundation.
- There was one was potential fiscal issue. To the best of our understanding the treasurer of OS/2 VOICE in Canada could be viewed by the Canadian IRS as a person with a private bank account. VOICE had never been officially reported to the Canadian IRS as non profit organization. We also could not find somebody to replace Gordon Snider as a treasurer in Canada.
- Another reaseon we wanted to convert the organization was to speed up the decisions process. Often it wold take weeks to get from an idea to a board and member vote. This issue was also described in the document sent to all VOICE members so they could read why we (the board) wanted to convert OS/2 VOICE into a Dutch foundation.
In my opinion a lot of OS/2 users just want to see stuff get done. Having said that, VOICE also wants to be transparent on how it spends your donations.
VOICE is now an official Dutch foundation registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and its bylaws are registered with a public notary. You can find a best-effort translation of the bylaws from Dutch to English here.
All projects supported have to be in line with these bylaws. This for example means if we sponsor software development the binaries will have to be available for everybody free of charge and the source code has to be covered by some sort of "open source" license. Another example are organising or supporting events like Warpstock Europe to promote OS/2.
In short the OS/2 community must benefit of actions taken by OS/2 VOICE. The OS/2 VOICE board has 7 members who have to approve all proposals, as an extra safe guard to make certain your money is spent as wisely as possible. You can find the financial report for 2015 here.
Note: The reason OS/2 VOICE has about 19.000 US Dollars on its bank is mostly due to the of the PMMAIL product over the last 10 years.
What has OS/2 VOICE been spending your donations on ?
- The new os2.org forum is sponsored by VOICE at a cost of €120 a year. This mainly covers the cost for webhosting. In return the OS/2 VOICE logo is shown on their front page.
- Netlabs.org, also a non-profit orginations, hosts a wide variety of projects that are being updated by OS/2 community members. Netlabs needed a new backup server and VOICE donated €1000 to Netlabs to make this possible. To get an impression how many projects are hosted by Netlabs read their Netlabs newsletter. Netlabs also hosts the core RPM repository with a lot of software ported by Bitwise Works and other people: see http://rpm.netlabs.org/.
- BitWise Works works on porting / developing Qt 5.5 for OS/2; this libary is used to port many applications to OS/2. Voice has contributed €1800 to support this effort and will donate another €1800 once the project is finished. For more information on Qt, see http://trac.netlabs.org/qt4. By the way, you can purchase sponsor units for BitWise Works and other people who port software to OS/2 here.
- A laptop for Wim Brul has been sponsored for 250 Euro so he can develop his software in an SMP environment for his webcam/touch screen drivers.
- Development of the so called Split Window view in Xworkplace has been finished; this was been by Rich Walsh at a cost of $900. While the binaries and source code are currently not publicly available yet, sources will be committed to http://trac.netlabs.org/xworkplace and binaries will be uploaded to hobbes.nmsu.edu. The changes are currently receiving final testing before being submitted into SVN.
- Warpstock Europe 2015, 2016 and 2017.
You might wonder why VOICE supports Warpstock Europe, while a lot of donators never visit the event. The core reason for doing so is that it brings together paid and unpaid people who develop software for OS/2. For example, in May 2016 people from Arca Noae and Bitwise Works at Warpstock 2016 in Cologne, Germany. But also other volunteers and end-users meet at the conference and talk with each other. And for those who could not make it to Warpstock Europe we provided a video and audio stream.
We believe it is this interaction between developers and end users that provides a basis for new projects and ideas. It also puts OS/2 in the spotlight outside of its small community, with articles on heise.de and TechRepublic. While the heise.de article does not have such a positive "tone" it was still placed on the website of Heise, thanks to a a press release release by OS/2 VOICE.
In 2015 Warpstock Europe operated at a loss (see the financial report). This was mainly due to time constraints on behalf of the chairman. While we still need to do the accounting for this year's Warpstock, it likely operated at a loss also. But we intend to break even or even make a small "profit" on the next event. Nevertheless, Warpstock Europe was a success in the sense that we had 40 visitors in Cologne this year, a significant rise compared to previous years. We think this has also to do with all the news surrounding ArcaOS (also known as Blue Lion), which encourages more people to visit Warpstock Europe/US.
Warpstock Europe 2017 will be held in Rotterdam and the website www.warpstock.eu already reflects this. By announcing Warpstock Europe 2017 earlier than the previous two Warpstocks Europe we hope to attract more people and break even or even make a small profit. We already secured sponsoring from Daniel Caroll from the US for the social event, which does not haveto be paid for by VOICE.
Future projects we are working on:
- rpm.os2voice.org (the project just got started, the URL is not functioning yet!). This project is to provide the OS/2 community with more RPM packages that can be installed on OS/2 with the free ANPM package manager. We are working to get a team of volunteers together.
- This article and the site articles.os2voice.org is a new starting point to get more and new articles published about OS/2 and getting the OS/2 VOICE newsletter back on track.
- Other projects under consideration are a Youtube channel with videos about OS/2 and to start again with speakups. With speakups OS/2 users can ask questions to a developer.
On behalf of the OS/2 VOICE board I would to thank all members for your donation and I hope you feel the money you donated has contributed to keeping our favorite operating system moving forward.
Best regards,
Roderick Klein
President OS/2 VOICE