**Category: VOICE**

So far we have collected 6.700 Dollars, which includes a one person 5000 Dollars donation. So far I have not revealed his name. 
I will ask the people who donated, if they want to be publicly credited for this on a website or not. 

First question that was asked: Which browser would be ported ?

Answer: It is safe to state that at this moment that is unknown and that it does not really matter which browser we choose, because about 90% of all browsers are based on either: 

* Gecko (Firefox browser and derivatives) 
* Google Chromium (via Qt's QtWebEngine) or Apple WebKit (via Qt's QtWebKit, now deprecated in favor of QtWebEngine) 

During Warpstock Toronto 2017 Herwig Bauernfeind from bww bitwise works GmbH (who joined via Skype) answered questions after his presentation. We had multiple browsers that where mentioned at Warpstock 2017 Toronto and asked whether they would be an alternative future browser. In some recent OS/2 forum discussion more browser alternatives where suggested. Most of the mainstream open source browsers that could be feasible use one of the two engines I just mentioned above. It bears some logic that these mainstream libraries used as browsers are extremely complex and continue to become more complex. So getting one of these libraries is more important than selecting a specific browser.

Second question: Are 10.000 dollars enough and what happens when the money is spent? 
Answer: It was set as a first target and if successful or more money is collected that is great. Previous bww bitwise works GmbH funding campaigns always collected money in stages. 

Third question: Some people have suggested the Chromium browser can not be ported to OS/2. 
Dmitriy Kuminov responded: "Regarding Chromium not portable to OS/2. This is not true. If it's about OpenGL, then this support is optional. If it's about Qt needing OpenGL for QtWebEngine — yes, but you can use a fake OpenGL stub to trick it and fallback to software rendering and there is also a patch (will be part of the next release) that makes this stub not necessary". 

I can understand that some of the people have been doubting sponsor campaign, but  as it stands right now Firefox 45.9 ESR is being worked to iron out the last bugs. These are mostly new and hard to find bugs in the JavaScript engine, which slipped in.

I hope that answers the questions/concerns. Please note that information in both postings have been reviewed by Dmitriy Kuminov from bww bitwise works GmbH for any incorrect technical information. 

I hope this addresses some of the concerns for the OS/2 community as to where this funding campaign is going. As it now stands we will be going in the direction of Qt based browser. This will also result in lower amount of maintenance. 

You can buy sponsor units in the Arca Noae webshop: 
All the collected money is send by Arca Noae to the OS/2  VOICE foundation.

**Joomla! Debug Console**

**Parsing errors in language files**

**Language Files Loaded**

**Untranslated Strings**